Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills for Integrated Water Resources Management. Training Manual[ - 1.58 MB] Cap-Net, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2008 Within the framework of IWRM, the intention of this manual is to provide the necessary general information and specific tools in a user-friendly way so that any water resource stakeholder may be able to resolve existing or head-off impending disputes in a way agreeable to all parties. The emphasis in this manual is on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), in particular, principled negotiation - an approach that seeks to embed outcomes and processes that will serve sustainable, equitable and efficient long-term social needs.
Water Resources Engineering Solution Manual 2nd Edition Mays.rarl
Integrated Water Resources Management on a Basin Level. A Training Manual [ - 1.53 MB] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2003 This manual is an introduction to the principles underlying the integrated water resources management concept: the focus is on the approaches and management tools that facilitate its application, taking into account the size of the territory, whether it is national and international basins or sub-basins of local interest. This manual is destined first to trainers who, through a national or a regional seminar, would bring the participants to produce a diagnosis of their basin and an action plan. The manual is divided into two sections. The first one, of a more conceptual nature, presents a review of several definitions and some of the most pressing issues related to integrated basin-wide management. The second section of the manual, aimed at training, takes the reader and the trainer through the steps of the management framework.
Roadmaps for water management in West Africa. Case studies from The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone. Development of IWRM Plans [ - 2.44 MB] ACP-EU, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNEP-DHI Centre for Water and Environment, Global Water Partnership (GWP) These case studies are intended to recognize some of the most common problems experienced in IWRM planning and developing options for overcoming them. Each case study considers the following aspects: 1) problems of water resources management that need to be addressed, 2) context in which the problems and solutions need to take place, 3) decisions and actions taken in order to execute the roadmap process, 4) outcomes of the decisions and actions taken, 5) lessons learnt that will be of value to others involved in similar situation, and 6) relevance of the case to IWRM.
The American Society of Civil Engineers offers certifications in coastal engineering, geotechnical engineering, ports engineering, water resources engineering, and other fields. Additionally, civil engineers can become certified in building security and in sustainability.
Water resources engineering is concerned with the collection and management of water (as a natural resource). As a discipline it therefore combines elements of hydrology, environmental science, meteorology, conservation, and resource management. This area of civil engineering relates to the prediction and management of both the quality and the quantity of water in both underground (aquifers) and above ground (lakes, rivers, and streams) resources. Water resource engineers analyze and model very small to very large areas of the earth to predict the amount and content of water as it flows into, through, or out of a facility. Although the actual design of the facility may be left to other engineers. 2ff7e9595c