This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 19.8. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.
Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.8
Previously, Aspose.ZIP for .NET API was unable to extract a .zip archive with huge size when it contains several entries and compressed size of first entry is above 4 GB. We have fixed this issue in Aspose.ZIP for .NET API 19.8.
GroupDocs.Viewer GroupDocs.Total Conholdate Conholdate.Total Document-Automation Automation API Component Library VisualStudio C# CSharp Windows Linux macOS .NETFramework Framework .NETCore Mono MonoDevelop Azure TAR ZIP RAR BZ2 GZ GZIP DGN DWF DWT DWG DXF IFC STL IGS CF2 OBJ PLT HPG CS VB AS AS3 ASM BAT C CC CMAKE CPP CSS CXX DIFF ERB GROOVY H HAML HH JAVA JS JSON LESS LOG M MAKE MD ML MM PHP PL PROPERTIES PY RB RST SASS SCALA SCM SCRIPT SH SML SQL VIM YAML VDW VDX VSD VSDM VSDX VSS VSSM VSSX VST VSTM VSTX VSX VTX CHM EPUB MOBI EML EMLX MSG OST PST NSF MBOX BMP CGM CDR CMX DCM DJVU DNG DIB EMF EMZ EPS GIF ICO JP2 JPF JPX JPM J2C J2K JPC JPG JPEG ODG FODG OTG PCL APNG PNG PS PostScript AI PSD PSB SVG SVGZ TIF TIFF WEBP WMF WMZ HTML HTM MHT MHTML ONE PDF TGA TEX XPS OXPS ODP FODP OTP POTM POTX PPS PPSM PPSX PPT PPTM PPTX POT MPP MPT MPX CSV ODS FODS OTS TSV NUMBERS XLS XLSB XLSM XLSX XLT XLTX XLTM XLAM DOC DOCM DOCX DOT DOTM DOTX ODT OTT RTF TXT VCF VCARD SXC XML Document-Viewer HTML-Viewer Image-Viewer PDF-Viewer Document-Text-Extraction Document-Information-Extraction Word Document Spreadsheet Presentation Visio Outlook OneNote OpenDocument Web Metafile Archive Image Graphic Diagram Vector Scalable Printer Lithography 3D-Printing Medical-Imaging Drawing ISFF Raster Render Encoding Font Minify Minification Rendering Worksheet Figure Photo View Renderer Transformation Watermark Flip Rotate Custom-Font converter conversion resize CAD AutoCad OpenOffice Project Ebook Email ASP.NET WebForms MVC WPF .netstandard .net dotnet PowerShell PSD1 PS1 PSM1 2ff7e9595c